From concept to design and delivery, we can build your mojoPortal site for you whether it uses standard mojoPortal facilities, STS Pro Add-Ins or custom developed features. Our approach is always to work with you to understand and agree what you want to achieve, add our own blend of innovation, experience and skill and build your site using our proven development standards, with plenty of interaction and feedback to ensure we meet your goals.
Creatively, we can provide in-house design expertise or work to your own designs, implementing them as custom skins for your mojoPortal site. Similarly, should you wish, we can also provide site imagery and copy, structuring and populating your site in an SEO efficient manner.
You have options on hosting too; if you're hosting in house or have other hosting arrangements in place we're happy to work with your providers. Alternatively, you can use our UK based hosting infrastructure. We manage the hosting for you with a cost effective range of options from shared Windows packages through to dynamic cloud based virtual servers and dedicated physical servers.
If you're new to mojoPortal, we can provide customised training on using the content management facilities to maintain your site. The documentation we supply will also cover content management techniques specific to your site as well as skin, configuration and hosting details that will enable it to be easily maintained and managed. This, coupled with the installation files we will provide, means that you will have everything needed to redeploy your site elsewhere in future, should you wish.
Our service doesn't end with the delivery of your working website. You can use our flexible site support and management package to help with the its day to day operation, giving you more time to focus on your core business.
To discuss your mojoPortal site build and how we can help make it a great success, please contact us for a friendly, no-obligation telephone consultation.